Renouf Mediation

Renouf Mediation

Legal Directory Testimonials

I have for many years appeared in the various Legal Directories. I have never prepared a submission on my own behalf nor nominated referees. I include below those most recently appearing in Chambers and Partners are below. "Senior  Statesman" (since 2014) is a rather nice and unique accolade being the first in the listings before "Star Individuals" and the four bands of excellent lawyers. 

Chambers and Partners 2018

"Senior Statesman"

 Terry Renouf offers clients the depth and breadth of his experience in managing multi-track personal injury claims.


Chambers and Partners 2017

“Senior Statesman”

 Terry Renouf offers clients years of experience in handling the full range of personal injury matters, including catastrophic injury, fraud and occupational disease cases.


Chambers and Partners 2016

“Senior Statesman”

 Terry Renouf has an abundance of experience to call upon in a variety of personal injury matters. He regularly handles high-value claims, particularly occupational disease, fraud and catastrophic injury matters.


Chambers and Partners 2015

“Senior Statesman”

 Terry Renouf retains an impressive profile in the field. His experience covers areas including occupational disease and catastrophic injury, and he is well regarded for his depth of market knowledge.


Chambers and Partners 2014

“Senior Statesman”

 London-based national senior partner  Terry Renouf receives widespread acclaim for the depth of his experience throughout the personal injury sphere. He handles cases across the spectrum of complex personal injury claims, particularly those relating to disease.


Chambers and Partners 2013

Senior partner  Terry Renouf in the London office is still considered to be "very impressive" by market sources. He has decades of experience in the personal injury sphere.


 I should, whilst I have the opportunity, thank all of those over the years who have offered these testimonials. Some have been mildly over the top (eg "guru") and provided a focus for a gentle ribbing from some of my professional colleagues. Nevertheless the acknowledgement by peers, clients and competitors is appreciated. Thank you.




20 Nov 2023

Does AI predict the outcome of Churchill mediation judgment in CA?

Integrated Mediation - Churchill case will support but AI has (quite rightly) no view

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